The Happy Starts at Home book will change your space and transform your life.
Use your home as a tool to make better changes happen in your life. Through aligning your heart, home, and health, experience first-hand how small changes make a big difference. Draw on the inspiration and activities to help create your home sanctuary that you will feel safe and relaxed in.
What does it take to be happy at home? It is not about buying or not buying a new sofa. It is about whether your home is working for you in the best way. Your home can directly improve your well-being and contentment with better health, sleep, and relationships, and ultimately decrease your stress levels to increase your all-round happiness.
Design expert Rebecca West helps you to learn how to achieve a geographical cure without actually relocating and how to redecorate so you can feel best in your space. Along with beautiful photographs, Happy Starts at Home contains a variety of self-assessment activities to connect your financial, emotional and physical health to your space to ensure it nurtures your vision and while doing so, investing your time and money more effectively too.